Faith Herioc Generation (FHG) is a 2 in 1 Life changing business opportunity, founded in 2016 by Mr Jagunmolu AbdulFatai Adebayo, with the aim of eradicating poverty in the society. This is an Organisation that helps individuals earn passively with a laid down scheme and system of working both online(as a freelancer) and Offline(as a Network Marketer). It’s totally free to join us today!
Our 2 In 1 business opportunity is schemed into Online and offline aspect. In the online aspect of the business, you learn how to render digital skills and services as freelancers to potential clients who are in need of these variety of services and then you get paid in dollars($) for the service rendered.
We render our services on one of the most recognized freelancing platforms in the world, Fiverr. Fiverr is an open space, a digital marketplace that helps you earn dollars($) by rendering different services and being paid for it.
Furthermore, In our Offline aspect of the business (Networking Marketing), We partner with a prestigious international company called NEOLIFE, formally known as GNLD. NEOLIFE is a nutrition company that manufactures and sells superior quality whole food nutrition products, good for the body system and well-being of the body, to keep fit, in shape and always active.
Our versatile team specializes in all areas of Canada immigration; providing advice and representation for individuals and families seeking temporary or permanent entry visas to Canada. We leverage on our wealth of experience in offering bespoke solutions to meet the peculiar immigration needs of each client.
Learn Digital Skills, Earn & Build Passive Income Scheme – Your Path To Success